With demand from major customer Embraer steadily growing, Brazilian company Globo Machining wanted to increase its output and quality. A partnership with Seco has allowed it to do just that.EVERY COMPANY faces challenges as it goes about its business. But when your major client has undergone massive growth to become the third largest company in its sector in the world, the challenges tend to be even bigger. This is the stimulating – and slightly scary – situation that major Brazilian machining company Globo Machining has faced in recent years.
For the past 30 years, Globo has manufactured components used in the aircraft parts produced by the massive Brazilian aerospace company Embraer. And every year as Embraer has grown and made further advances on the international market, so too have its requirements for Globo’s products.
Eager to meet the increased demand for both quantity and quality, Globo decided its best option was to strengthen its ties with Seco. Since 2015, the two companies have worked in a partnership to meet the demands of Embraer. “Seco is much more than a tool supplier,” explains one of Globo Machining’s owners, Gilberto Geraldo de Oliveira. “It’s a great partner and contributor, helping us throughout the machining process and providing us with important technical support.”
To help Globo Machining achieve the best possible production outcomes, Seco has supplied a steady stream of sophisticated tools along with detailed instructions for their use. “Whenever we’re going to work on a part requested by Embraer, we forward the project to Seco technical staff,” says de Oliveira. “They provide us with not only the tool for machining, but with its technical data, instructions for its proper use and all the cutting parameters for the alloy.”
Globo has achieved impressive results since the partnership with Seco began, with team work helping it become a more competitive player in the machining market. “We have had a significant reduction in costs and production time,” says de Oliveira. “And the projection for the future is even better.”

GLOBO’S CUSTOMER Embraer is a formidable player on the aerospace scene. More than 80 airlines use the company’s aircraft, with about 145 million passengers carried per year. Embraer has also supplied dozens of countries with military aircraft.
Meeting the needs of such a massive company is a serious challenge, but one that Globo has proved it is more than ready to meet thanks to the results of its partnership with Seco. “We are pleased with the effort that professionals from Seco show us, supporting us at each new project,” says de Oliveira.
João Marcelo, Aerospace Specialist at Seco, works on Globo projects and emphasizes the importance of constant evolution in machining processes. “When we go beyond just supplying tools to customers and assist on every step of the process, we are able to add far more value.”

SECO HAS BEEN continuously evolving the supply of tools for machining since 2009, when it began working in a segmented way across its markets.
This experience and know- ledge have made a significant difference for Globo, which serves a number of other customers in addition to Embraer. These include Eaton Aerospace, which supplies parts for Airbus, and TechnipFMC, which operates in the deep-sea oil and gas exploration field.
“We always provide the customers with the best possible strategy for using the tools for each material, whether it be aluminum, stainless steel, titanium or something else,” explains Marcelo. “Each alloy to be machined and each part has its own particularities, which need to be considered during the process. It’s know-how that we have gained from many years of working in the market.”
Jacques Mazo, National Sales Manager for Seco in Brazil, says the partnership with Globo Machining has been successful right from the very start. “The work methodology is driven by joint action plans and includes constant follow-up and this makes all the difference,” he says.

MAZO SAYS THAT since the two companies began working closely together, both have experienced growth. “Globo has challenged us with focused work and we have earned their trust by responding quickly and with excellence to these demands,” he says.
Márcio Martins Gomes, a technical sales representative with Seco, has been involved in the partnership since the beginning in 2015. He has a good understanding of the complete machining process at Globo’s facilities and emphasizes the evolution in processes that has occurred over the last two years. “This is a job where both sides are evolving together, resulting in greater competitiveness in this market,” he says.
Globo Machining’s co-owner, Gilberto Geraldo de Oliveira agrees and points to Seco’s prompt delivery of tools and commitment to finding the best results throughout the whole process. “We just have to thank Seco for the opportunity to work together as a team,” he says. “We have evolved and we have grown in this market. We are grateful for that”.